Love Songs
It seems that love songs are making a comeback. After a long stint at the top party songs are beginning to take a backseat to love songs once again, and what a great time for that to happen (sarcasm on full blast here). It's summer time people! It's time for summer love! Although I've had a couple rendezvous this summer they've meant absolutely nothing and I am very ashamed that I let them happen because I am not a one night stand kind of guy. I'm the guy who treats girls like princesses and does everything I possibly can for them. I want nothing more than to fall in love because there's no better feeling than being in love. I honestly haven't found anyone in the last year that I could see myself falling in love with, though. Every girl I meet is the complete opposite of what I like in a girl. I'm so sick of meeting girls who are just party girls and think they're bad asses, that's so annoying. What ever happened to all the sweet girls? Every girl I meet reminds me of my ex because underneath everything she was a bitch and I HATE bitches. Don't get me wrong I love going out and getting drunk and partying, but I don't neccesarily like the typical party girl. I like a girl who takes care of herself and cares what she looks like and cares about people and not just herself. I like a girl that will treat me with the same respect I will treat her with. I don't like one sided relationships. I don't need a girl that wants to have sex, that's not something I look for or expect out of a relationship, but if it happens I like it to be at the right time and for it to mean something, it just makes it a lot more special when it actually means something. I'm not gunna lie, I can't wait to find somebody.
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