Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pet Peeve of the Week

This is something that has been getting under my skin since I can remember. As an American my native language in English, that is every American's native language and by it being that it should be the language spoken the most here in America...especially in Iowa. That, though, is not the case. More and more I am hearing that fucking ugly language that makes me want to vomit every time I hear it...yes I'm talking about Spanish. I have grown almost intolerant of hearing the language. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Spanish people, but I know those fuckers are talking about me. I've got 5 years of Spanish under my belt, but that does not, by any means, mean I can keep up with those auctioneers. I have no problem with hearing any other language...French, of course I'm fine with it, it's the language of romance; German is even fine, with all their einz schweinz and all of that, it sounds like gibbrish, it's funny. But Spanish is just God awful to listen to. You can take the most educated well spoken Spanish man, but once he opens his mouth and starts sputtering out all that crap he can sound just as dumb as any idiot. I'm sorry if this offends, but if I hear one more fat Spanish dude yell at his kids in the fuckin grocery store one more time I may stick a 1/2 inch drill bit through my temple. (By the way I just saw a lady trip over her own feet and it was fuckin hilarious, I had to throw it in here)


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