Pet Peeve of the Week
So this week I have something new to talk about. Lately I've been noticing a lot of people talking to themselves in public, mainly at the college I go to. This is a habit that drives me insane. I've heard a plethera of things from mutters about the computers in the lab to full on outbursts to themselves. Are people that fuckin crazy that they can't keep their thoughts in their heads? Do they think someone is going to hear them and offer sympathy? It's not going to be me. I'm going to laugh at them for being the nutcases they really are. How hard is it to think something without actually saying it? Not hard. I do it all the time...if I said everything that came in my head outloud I would be dead. These people need to realize that talking to yourself is not OK. Find a friend, or just have the willpower to not say everything out loud. Keep it in. It's fucking annoying and if it continues I might freak out and say some of the things that are in my head.